Wednesday, August 5, 2009


As Wednesday draws to a close a look back...

Eric O'Brien has shown us his passion for number and it's structure as well as his love for his family and his love of teaching His lively presentation was punctuated with humor and wonder. He is an AMTNYS keeper and an asset to all who listen to him and in turn all who listen to them. It's an ever branching tree. Thank you Eric.

The moon is almost full and Bob is taking his telescope back up the hill with a larger following this time to look at the world outside our world.

The sessions today were outstanding as they have been for the entire institute. Jen and Jen did a great job recruiting speakers. Thank you ladies.

We had four past presidents on campus today as well as the current president and president-elect.

The banquet was great thanks to the work of Mickey Jo, Beryl and Ronni. Thank you ladies.

And a special thanks to Sean for compiling the program, watching the campfire, loading software and picking up some of the slack when needed.

I will be sad to see this conference end. The best part of this conference was the laughter. It was everywhere--in sessions, in the halls, on the streets, in the dorm, around the snacks, in the morning, in the evening and in our hearts. There were no sad faces at this conference--ever. I love the sound of laughter, I hope these participants can return to their classrooms and spread the joy. I don't hear enough of it in schools any more, too much testing...not enough song.

I hope everyone has a safe trip home and a safe trip back to 2010 version of the SMI. I can't wait to hear your laughter again.

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